Thursday, December 6, 2012

Early Practice

Practicing taking Blood Pressures so we don't go into the Clinic blind. All with help of 5th years and some members from the previous trip.

End of Class

So here's an update of whats been going on. Last Monday was our last day of class in our Culture of Belize course. We learned a good amount of culture. It was all what you made of the class. You could learn a great deal or very minimal depending on what effort you put into the readings and the assignments. Since the beginning of November we focused more on what we will be doing in Belize. This included taking blood pressure readings with blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes and taking blood glucose readings to see if patients are at risk for diabetes. I will definitely need some practice in this department. I could never seem to get it right. Maybe we can practice in the airport. I took a video which will be up shortly of our practicing in the class. Students from the trip last year came in and told us all about their experience there. I can't wait! It seemed as if there was never a dull moment. So much has changed since the first class. By that i mean on the first day i knew no one except for Stephen, Gabe and Kaela who i sat with each day. Now i feel like i know everyone there. We all get along well (i think) so it should be a very enjoyable trip!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Beginning

Since college i have heard of my classmates going to Hawaii to study plants or doing research in South East Asia and even going to Belize on a medical mission trip. Hearing some of the stories completely caught my interest. I knew i had to experience something like that before i graduated. Upon looking through elective offerings for this semester i saw Culture of Belize as one offering. It was the perfect opportunity. How could i pass this offer up? This trip gives me 3 credits, IPPE credit and the chance to experience culture in another country. Being an elective was the saving grace. I could just add the trip onto my tuition just like any other class. This was perfect!