Monday, January 28, 2013

Fun Day Cliff Jumping in Pine Ridge

Today we took a couple vans to Pine Ridge Reserve and it was a long bumpy ride. We had to check in at a police check in, It was in an abandoned British work camp they used to use for logging wood. It was kind of creepy. It was a whole village of just old abandoned houses. On our trip to Rio Frio Cave we had to be escorted by 2 policeman carrying M-4 rifles. When I asked us why they were with us they told us that Guatemalans come across the border and rob and kidnap tourists so they were protecting us and trying to make tourism safe. It’s crazy to think that this stuff actually happens. The cave was pretty cool it was definitely the biggest one I’ve seen so far. Joe and I climbed all around it and it was neat. Then we went to these pools in a tributary or the Macal River and swam and went down natural water slides. The police showed up again and swam and took pictures of some of the girls that were with us it was a little strange. Then lastly we went to Big Rock and cliff jumped. We started off on like a little 10 foot rock then we moved up to a waterfall and jumped off around a 30 to 35 foot cliff, I even dove off once. Our professor even jumped off. Later we drove back and all we wanted to do was sleep but the roads were so bumpy. It made us all appreciate our smooth roads back home. I don’t think ill ever complain about a New York pothole again. We were so exhausted when we got back and we still had to get our laundry so we took a cab back and Adma made us fried chicken again its seriously some of the best chicken I’ve ever tasted. That’s all for now. I think it will be an early night for sure!

Soldiers that escorted us to Rio Frio Cave

Mouth of the cave

Inside Rio Frio Cave

Looking up to the top of the cave 

Again a soldier escorting us

Looking out of the cave

Some water inside the cave

Abandoned house in Pine Ridge

More abandoned structures

Rio on pools

Another abandoned structure in Pine Ridge

Soldiers workout room

Rio on pools

Rio on pools

Rio on pools 
Big Rock waterfall where we cliff jumped

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