Monday, January 28, 2013

Teaching Day

Last night was a slow night we went to Cayo Twist and I got Strawberry Kiwi and mango ice cream. It was sugar free and made out of soy but you couldn’t tell the difference. Then this morning we met at ProWorld and took a trip to the Immaculate Conception School in Bullet tree and taught kids about personal hygiene and what to do about head lice. We had a little skit but most kids didn’t know what head lice are. Later we learned they knew it as pojio, a Spanish word. My host mom just informed me that to treat it they would bathe the girls head in kerosene. Thank god we could get through to a couple kids. Kerosene seems a little unsafe. There were little puppy dogs we petted and we played with the kids at recess. It was a very short day though. When we got back a couple guys and myself went to this resort to swim called Midas but the pool was green so we caught a cab and went to the San Ignacio Hotel. It was so nice there. We had a bacon cheeseburger for the first time since we’ve been here and some drinks. They even opened the bar for us! That was a first. Apparently Queen Elizabeth visited this hotel back in 1994. That was neat to learn. Now I’m back at my host mothers’ house relaxing and visiting. I took an alternate route home and got slightly lost but it added to the experience and it was nice out. Dinner is soon and then we are going out to Meluchis as a final celebration for the week.
Little puppies near the school

Puppies and their mom

School where we taught

Wall of when the queen visited San Ignacio Hotel in 1994

Relaxing at San Ignacio Hotel

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