Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meeting the Host Family

Stephen and I arrived first at Mrs. Adma’s residence and we met her kids briefly and she left to get Hunter and Herbie. While we waited we gave her kids the presents we brought with us to them. They were so grateful. I’ve never seen kids get so excited over such simple stuff like jump ropes, coloring books, plastic jewelry, glow sticks, and mini hockey sticks.  It was nice they appreciated because Stephens bag was over weight at the airport from so many gifts. They charged him $75 extra. I never considered myself a kid person and I have little patience for children but these kids were great. They were so brilliant for such a young age. The oldest was only 12 and the youngest was 2. Adma prepared a great Indian chicken dish our first night with spices her husband sent here from the West Indies. I was a bit worried about the food but everything was so delicious here. For the sleeping arrangements Hunter, Stephen and I stayed in our own room with our own bathroom on the second floor. The view from her second floor was amazing we were the furthest walk away but it was worth it because the house sat the highest up on the hill where we could see for miles and the hills in the distance
View of San Ignacio from our home

Daytime view from our porch

Sinita wanted to dress like a rapper 

David doing some work and little Zahi


Mary again 

Take 1 of a family photo with Trevor a student from Nebraska

Take 2

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